Monday, January 11, 2016

Blog #0

My experience with technology has all taken place all throughout my life, but more specifically I have taken a technology class/digital class in high school that made me more familiar with Adobe Photoshop, word, and power point. I also have technicians in my family that help me with my laptop and the things that need to be done on it. So, I say that I am fairly familiar with technology.

In this class, I hope to learn what I need to know about technology that can be used in every day life. I am also looking forward to learning what to do with technology to become a better teacher. I know I am not familiar with everything that comes to technology and with this class I am hoping to learn as much as I need to know.

Today I learned that my learning style is more hands-on rather than just visual. I find it easier to learn new things if I do it myself. I tend to remember things if I am actually physically trying it out rather than just seeing it and trying to remember it later on. It also helps me out if the directions are written out instead of trying to repeat it back to someone for me to remember. I found out that I mainly have a problem with trying to follow directions that are only given verbally instead of visually.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post, Mariel! You have an impressive technology background... and you are very lucky to have technicians in your family to help you with your laptop! We will definitely go over a lot of great software and applications that will be useful in your future classroom.
