Monday, February 8, 2016

Blog #3

The technology standard that I feel most prepared to teach with my existing knowledge falls under the “producing” technology standards. It is called “write to explain and/or inform” and it includes knowing how to head papers and how to insert graphics and figures and I feel like I am good with teaching others on how to do that. One technology standard that I need more preparation on in order to teach others deals with the digital media. I am not sure how to create audio recordings and/or insert them into a document.
                The technology software and applications I would like to use with my students would be any Microsoft Office program. The digital citizenship concepts that I will need to address to my students would deal with the protection of their identity on the internet. As they get older and start applying for jobs, they will have to be cautious of the things they put on the internet of themselves or of others because it can put themselves in jeopardy.
                Some of the new skills I have acquired from working on the Newsletter Design assignment deal with how to apply page borders, changing the margins to smaller ones and formatting the newsletter into columns instead of just one long page. I liked how creative I can be on this assignment and that I can put my own imagination into the newsletter. The things that I learned to do while creating this assignment can be useful in my future career because as a teacher, you will need to keep your students attention and the more creative you are with these things, the more attention you will get from them because they are being entertain from what they are looking at. 


  1. Great Blog! I agree that one of the most important things to caution students about is that future employers will have access to their social media.

  2. I really like the header on your newsletter. Overall it came out really cool.
