Monday, February 22, 2016

Blog #5

Some web 2.0 tools that I believe are useful in the classroom and helps support teacher professional development are the presentation tools, like slides and bullet points that help create, edit, and share presentations whether it’s for the class you are teaching or for sharing information in front of other teachers and/or your boss. I also think that mobile tools like podcasting, blogging, and media sharing are useful in the classroom because they can help get information out to multiple people and teachers can put quizzes and tests on mobile sites. A web 2.0 tool that I feel is not useful in the classroom and does not help support teacher professional development are the video tools. I feel like not a lot of teachers use videos to teach a class so that tool would not be necessary in the classroom.
An interesting web 2.0 tool that I might use when teaching is This website can be used to save and tag your online resources for easy access anywhere you go. This is helpful because teachers go to multiple classrooms and sometimes they may need the same material they were using in the last classroom and this website will make it easy for that to happen. Another thing this web 2.0 tool can do for a teacher is to annotate web pages and PDF’s directly as you browse online. This is useful because this way you can add notes and/or comments to an assignment that one of your students has turned in.
Diigo is also helpful for teachers because it helps them organize their links, references and personal input to create structured base through this website. This is great because having all of your work and assignments organized gives you less stress and helps you teach your students better because you know where everything is. The last thing this website is helpful for is sharing. You can share with friends, students, classmates, and/or people you work with. 
Some of the new skills that I required with working on this last assignment, the concept map, is to be patient. This took a lot of planning and time to create a good concept map that not only made sense to you but can also make sense to others that are looking at it. I can improve next time by giving myself more time to do this assignment and taking my time. I can use the skills I learned from this assignment in the future by applying this to a classroom that I am trying to teach when or if I become a teacher


  1. I like how you put a key in your concept map. It makes it more organized and easier for the student learning the information to understand!

  2. I really like that you made a "key" for your concept map for the students to refer to. That is a great technique when making study charts and diagrams because it helps guide the kids in reading and understanding the diagram.
